
I'm alive I swear

Hi guys! It has been a while! I haven't posted about my life for a long time because of school but now I'M FREEEEEEEE,  In fact,I graduated last week ( 91/100 yay! my family doesn't care at all  even if I did my best OK.) and I can finally enjoy my summer!
Actaully, nothing special happened but I'm having fun everyday. I'm happy I'm finally able to enjoy things since I've spent last summer in an awful  mood.

My hair is blue again! I'm trying to keep them blue but it's a pain the ass ;-;

After my exam I also got a piercing!  I love it!  it's a bit uncomfortable tho  :'D I can't wear lipstick for a month or so and  I still can't drink properly ahah

I'm really enjoying my summer so far, I'm happy I have  friends to share awesome moments with <3 I will really miss them when I'll leave (going to Tokyo for a year in January yay!)
Actually, we're basically clubbing like crazy lately ahah

 ....clubbing until dawn yay

From tomorrow we're spending a few days  at my beach house, it's going to be a lot of fun for sure :DD
We also planned to go to Rimini in August, I hope we're gonna make it!  
well, that's all I guess! I'm gonna write a new post about my latest outfits soon  ;D

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